Sounds a bit political this one... but its more of a commentary on globalisation than anything perhaps.

I’m all for co-operation in Europe. They can mess about with constitutions and treaties and European presidents as much as they like, for all I care. As long as it achieves something, which requires international co-operation - reversing climate change, the war on terrorism, fighting poverty etc.
But trying to homogenise everyday life, ironing out the quirks in national cultures and generally standardising our lives is a mistake we will regret in the future. What if everywhere felt like home? Holidaying for me is at its best when you have to get used to the most minor details, which you don’t even have to think about at home. Its like restarting your brain: training it to do the most basic tasks again. Its refreshing and, for me, vital every now and then.
Besides, I can’t see the appeal of such a vast swathe of the Earth being so culturally similar - it is exactly that which puts me off going to America. Whats the point in travelling 1000 miles if nothing changes? |